What are Sardines?
Sardines are a type of small fishThey are often sold canned and are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, and proteins. Sardines contain much lower levels of pollutants than large fish such as marlin and swordfish.
What is the shelf life of canned fish products?
The shelf life of canned fish products can vary depending on whether the product is packed in oil and sauce and the conditions under which the product has been stored. Our products generally have a shelf life of several years.
How do you eat sardines?
Sardines are enjoyed in a variety of ways and lend themselves to a number of delicious preparations. The most popular is traditional sardine sandwich for lunch, in a salad or right from the can.
What is Omega-3?
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids (healthy fat) predominantly found in cold water fish. The Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish like salmon at least twice a week for good health. Learn more at
Are there any preservatives added to your products?
No. There are no chemical preservatives used or required because the contents in the can are already gone through a heat sterilization process in our factory. Therefore, the food remains fresh and sterile until the can is opened.
Do you add any additives to your products?
All products do not consist of any additives. However additives can be added to suit your consumer’s tastes if requested.
Can I customize my orders?
Yes. Most of our customers customize their orders. Our customization varies from the type of fish, cans, ingredients and labeling. All you have to do is to tell or list down your requirements and contact us. We will fulfill your request and we will try our best to deliver them.
Can I request for some product samples?
Yes, you can. Simply email or call us for your requirements and we will be happy to ship it over to you shortly.
Where can I find you?
Our headquarters is located in Muncar, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia.
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